Concierge Service

What it is
Additional service to help with implementing the Precision InvestingTM approach in more complex situations.

Who it is intended for
The service is intended for investors whose needs go beyond the capabilities of the online service, either because of the greater complexity of their circumstances or because of the need for greater assistance with plan implementation. As this service is less economical than the online service, we suggest that clients begin with the online service and migrate to the Concierge Service as the need arises. Of course, it is possible to begin directly with the in-person service.

How it works
If this service seems appropriate to you, please telephone us. The receptionist will take a few details regarding your situation and schedule a meeting with an appropriate adviser. At the first meeting between you and your adviser, the fit between your needs and our capabilities will be discussed and a decision whether to proceed with a relationship will be made. Initiation of new relationships typically require the investment of significant time by both parties, both in meetings and in work to prepare for meetings. After the initial setup is over, relationships typically continue with short checkup meetings at quarterly intervals.

What it costs
The cost depends on the specifics of the service you require. The charges will be determined at your first meeting with an adviser. In general, our firm aims to charge rates inline with prevailing market custom.