Published monthly and read in all major world capitols, "The Market Commentary" analyzes the news from the perspective of long term investors. We focus on the major events and on the continuing political, economic, legal, technological and business developments which have importance for driving asset class performance over the medium and long term. If you only have time to read one article per month to keep up with the interplay between the world and the capital markets you should read "The Market Commentary"

The Market Commentary: Latest Number

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September 2024 Harris Steps Up

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The Market Commentary: Archive

Date Title
September 2024 Harris Steps Up
August 2024 Biden Bows Out
July 2024 Electoral Turmoil Hits
June 2024 Capital Markets Greet The Summer
May 2024 The US Sorts Itself Out, Perhaps
April 2024 Living Longer Continues Popular
March 2024 Clouds On The Horizon
February 2024 The US Election Season Starts
January 2024 Reflections At The Turning Of The Year
December 2023 A Court Speaks
November 2023 Chaos Breaks Out
October 2023 Markets Wilt
September 2023 Pressures Build
August 2023 System Normal
July 2023 Summer Arrives with a Bang
June 2023 Civilization Failed to Collapse
May 2023 AI Takes a Bow
April 2023 Banking, Credit and International Turmoil
March 2023 A Russian Perspective
February 2023 Are Beavers Shaping World History?
January 2023 The World Turns
December 2022 The Year In Review
November 2022 Wars Hot And Cold
October 2022 Ukraine Breaks Through
September 2022 A Reign Ends
August 2022 Russia Stalls/Congress Awakens
July 2022 The Supreme Court Speaks
June 2022 Markets Reprice
May 2022 Russia Gets Realistic
April 2022 Russia Bogged Down
March 2022 Russia Invades Ukraine
February 2022 Biden Struggles With The Supreme Court And Russia
December 2021 Politics And The Economy Pull In Opposite Directions
November 2021 Russia and China Play Footsie With Global War
August 2021 Biden Books Two Successes
June 2021 Vaccination Gains Traction
May 2021 The Virus Erupts in India
April 2021 The Virus Evolves
March 2021 The Tide Turns
February 2021 Biden Takes Charge
January 2021 As Populations Age Growth Slows
December 2020 Consolidating World Trade
November 2020 Pandemic Policy Choices
October 2020 US Political Divisions
September 2020 The World Approaches A Crossroads
August 2020 The Pandemic Resurgent in the US
July 2020 Tumult Sweeps the Land
June 2020 Trump Gambles the Election
May 2020 The Pandemic Unsettles The World
April 2020 The Pandemic Arrives