

Lloyd Tevis Investments, LLC consistently adheres to the knowledge, skills and values of strong business practices designed to safeguard the advisory relationship in a professional and ethical manner.

Legal Standards

Lloyd Tevis operates on a fiduciary basis with regard to its clientele; this is a specific legal requirement on the company's part to give its clients its full faith & loyalty. The advice given is based on what is beneficial to our clients, not what is advantageous to the company or its employees.

Lloyd Tevis is a registered investment adviser, as such the firm is subject to the requirements of the Investment Company Act of 1940. This law spells out in detail the duties a fiduciary owes to his clientele and establishes specific business practices which are imposed on the company to ensure the fiduciary obligations are fulfilled. Government inspectors, to ensure compliance with the act, also periodically audit Registered Investment Companies.

While the 1940 Act defines the basic standards for fiduciaries, it also allows a diverse collection of business arrangements. For instance, a bank may own a registered investment company, but the bank is not subject to the 1940 Act. This creates a complex situation for the client, where the client speaks to multiple employees not realizing that the bank employees are not bound by fiduciary obligations; only the direct employees of the Registered Investment Company are.

At Lloyd Tevis, we go beyond the requirements of the 1940 Act. Lloyd Tevis is a stand-alone entity not associated with any financial provider. As such our business model is free of the conflicts of interest that plague firms combining advisory services with other financial services. In addition, clients can deal with our advisers secure in the knowledge that all staff are bound by common standards of fiduciary conduct.

Professional Standards

The law and standards above address the business relationship between the client and the company. Of equal importance is the professionalism with which the company serves the client. At Lloyd Tevis, we follow the well-established professional standards of the CFA (Chartered Financial Analyst) Institute. These include specific standards for:

Company Policy

Beyond these practices, Lloyd Tevis has adopted two additional practices to safeguard its clients.

Common Industry Abuses

While these measures may seem routine, they are rarely universally adopted. The majority of banks and brokerage houses operate on a nonfiduciary basis. While they may call their employees financial advisers, they are in fact commissioned salespeople. These employees are often compensated on their ability to generate revenue for their employer through sale of specific and/or proprietary products. Standard business practices, which violate no laws but which are not in the client's best interest are:

We at Lloyd Tevis urge all investors to observe extreme caution when dealing with non-fiduciary companies. Expensive branding and self-promotion are no substitutes for legal protections.

Bad Advice

Finally, not all advice, even when given on a fiduciary basis, is good advice. For instance, an adviser may determine that a client is living beyond their means. In these circumstances, some advisers will recommend potentially high-risk investments in an effort to bridge the gap. While this gamble may work out, it definitely risks much worsening the client's financial position. Sadly, this practice is common and it is found even at well reputed firms.

Our policy at Lloyd Tevis is to always be honest about unrealistic client aspirations and instead guide our clients to personalized programs for their needs in good times and bad.


Precision investingTM means advice in your interest only.