Online Consultation

What it is
The online consultation is our core investment service. It is designed to provide top quality investment advice in an economical form facilitated by automated online servicing.

Who it is intended for
It is intended for investors who want high quality advice guiding their investment activities. It is intended for U.S. tax payers, whether resident in the U.S. or abroad.

How it works
You fill in a questionnaire describing your economic circumstances and objectives. We analyze it and provide our view as to what is realistically achievable. Typically, this will lead you to fine tune your objectives. The cycle repeats until we arrive at an achievable plan satisfying to you. You tell us that this is the definitive plan. We provide you with detailed instructions as to what should be done today to implement it. We then monitor it on an ongoing basis and provide you with
1. A monthly status report on how the plan is progressing
2. Notice whenever additional implementation steps are required. You can revisit the plan at any time and update it to reflect either new circumstances or changed objectives. We then carry on including your new circumstances and objectives. For the most part the service is highly automated, but we provide a staff of advisers who are available by telephone to assist you with the service.

What it costs
We charge an annual account maintenance fee and an advisory fee. The account maintenance charge is $100, levied when you initiate your relationship with us and on annual anniversaries. The advisory fee is a quarterly charge of 0.125% of investment assets. We invoice at the beginning of the quarter and the charge goes past due at the end of the quarter. The annual maintenance charge is taken as a credit against the advisory fee. On investment assets of $20,000 or less the maintenance fee will fully offset the advisory fee and so the cost of the service will be $100 per year. On investment assets of $1,000,000 the quarterly fee will be $1,250. We normally ask you to provide a credit card or other payment account against which fees can be automatically debited.